As stated in my Beta Readers Needed for a C Book Update post, I’m currently working on an updated version of C++ All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies. The 2nd Edition book that is currently available relies on Code::Blocks 8.02 (the version I still recommend you use with this particular edition), which is really long in the tooth at this point. I’ve provided a number of update posts since the book was released to help you use Code::Blocks versions 10.05 and 12.11. However, as the example code has gotten older, more and more problems have surfaced with the example code because C++ itself has changed. The new book will use Code::Blocks 13.12, so the example code problems will disappear.
Most of the book examples for the 2nd edition will still compile with Code::Blocks 13.12, but not all of them will (the series of Code::Blocks 10.05 update messages should give you some idea of the problems you’ll encounter using a newer version). However, there are issues with one of the Code::Blocks 13.12 releases that will cause you serious problems in using the book. If you insist on using the latest version of Code::Blocks, make sure you download the codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup.exe file and not the codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup-TDM-GCC-481.exe file. According to the site, this second file has some issues with Code::Blocks. A note on the site page at explains the problem. Essentially, the GCC 4.8.1 release has problems with Code::Blocks, so you’ll see behavior that has nothing to do with the example code if you use it.
One of the beta readers for the new edition actually pointed out this problem. He inadvertently installed the buggy version of GCC 4.8.1 and I was able to see first hand that it really does cause some serious issues. (Actually, we couldn’t figure out what was going on at first.) This is one of many reasons I love to use beta readers when working on my books. In finding just this one problem (and he has found others), this beta reader prevented a whole lot of other readers from having issues with my new book .
I always want to hear about issues you have with my books. If you find that you have problems with the examples after reading through the posts on my blog, please contact me at and tell me about them. In many cases, the only way that I know a problem exists is when you make me aware of it. Thanks again for all your helpful support over the years!